Principal's Message
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),
I hope this communication finds you, your family, and children safe and healthy. As you know the first day of school is Monday, August 21st and it’s approaching extremely fast. I wanted to take a moment and welcome everyone back as we begin to prepare for our fall return at Godwin Heights Public Schools. For the past 10 years, I’ve had the privilege to serve as a Principal in the Godwin Heights School District. During this time, with the dedication of the staff of our High School, we have seen so many amazing students graduate from this tremendous district and it’s my mission to support your students on their journey towards college and career readiness!
Godwin Heights is my home and I have now spent over 24 years in this district supporting students, staff, and parents in various roles from an elementary teacher, Athletic Director, Varsity Basketball Coach, and Principal of Secondary Schools. I’m excited to announce the district has hired Kim Urbanski to serve as the Principal at Godwin Heights Middle School and I will be transitioning back to the position of Godwin Heights High School Principal. In this role, my main focus will be to ensure Godwin Heights High School is a place where learning is a priority, where our staff/students look forward to attending on a daily basis, and where parents feel supported knowing the needs of their children are placed first.
To accomplish this goal, our team will work collaboratively with Middle School Administration to continue to align our secondary programming "beginning with the end in mind” to provide our students with a seamless transition between buildings. We will continue to focus on college and career readiness and develop systems that meet the needs of each and every child to ensure they reach their full potential. As we move forward, it is important we work together to keep the best interest of our students at the forefront to prepare them for each grade level, graduation, and beyond. If any questions about the bridging of our 6-12 buildings arise, please feel free to reach out to me or any of our team members with the contact information below.
High School and Learning Center Office Hours & Contact Information
- Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
- Office Phone Number: 616-252-2050
- Mr. Conklin (Principal) - [email protected]
- Mr. Porco (Assistant Principal) - [email protected]
- Mr. Maleport (Dean of Students) - [email protected]
- Mrs. Orozco (Principal’s Secretary) - [email protected]
- Mrs. Núñez (Attendance Secretary) - [email protected]
- Mrs. Bonilla (High School Counselor) - [email protected]
- Mrs. Ibarra (High School Counselor) - [email protected]
- Mrs. Hickson (High School Registrar) - [email protected]